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Summer School Registration

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(Early Bird) Full Package incl. Registration + Accommodation

Original price was: €1,990.00.Current price is: €1,790.00.

Enroll in the 2025 International Lyre Summer School with full access to all courses, welcome and farewell parties, along with access to baths and showers during the day.

What’s more, 7 days of accommodation are included at Oikia Karapanou. If you want to enroll in summer school but book your own accommodation, you can visit this page.

Full Access to Everything

Plus 7 days accommodation to Oikia Karapanou

Oikia Karapanou is not a hotel or a touristic accommodation. Oikia is a real house. Simple, spacious, poetic, refined. It promotes communal living, and you are going to stay with your fellow co-students and tutors/lecturers. There are several rooms with two or three beds, four shared bathrooms, and two shared outdoor showers. Every effort will be made for each room to accommodate students of the same sex. Take a thorough look at Oikia's website to be sure what to expect.

In case you travel with a fellow lyre student and you want to stay together or if you have any special requirements, let us know after your registration by sending an email to info@lyreacademy.com. Every effort will be made to meet any reasonable request.

If you want extra privacy, air-condition, or a different type of accommodation, there are plenty of options on Aegina island and in close proximity to Oikia Karapanou. In that case, register for the summer school without accommodation by clicking here.

What is Included?
  • Seven days of accommodation in the unique Oikia Karapanou.
  • Access to all courses regardless of the student’s level, i.e., beginners, intermediate, advanced (3 courses each day).
  • Lyre Learning Books & Sheet Music specially designed for the lyre and this lyre camp specifically!
  • Lyre Meditation sessions every morning.
  • Welcome Party on the first day.
  • Farewell Party & Live Concert with student participation.
  • Access to SEIKILO Ancient Music Exhibition with the opportunity to see, listen to, and play with a curated selection of premium ancient musical instruments.
  • Access to special sessions with guest lecturers.
Not Included in the Price
  • 1-on-1 sessions are available upon request (limited time slots). Send us an email at info@lyreacademy.com after your enrolment to learn more about the cost and to book your sessions with your preferable virtuoso lyre players.
  • Rent a lyre or a kithara for the entire summer camp, in case you don't want to travel with your instrument or you just want to try something new. Send us an email at info@lyreacademy.com to find out more.
  • Meals are not included in the price. An "All-Meals" option will be announced later for the participants, including breakfast, light takeaway/takeout lunch, and early dinner based on the famed Mediterranean cuisine with an ancient Greek twist! All participants (whether they stay or not at Oikia) will be eligible to opt-in to the "All-Meals" package once it is announced!
  • Air tickets to and from Athens.
  • Transportation to Aegina Island and Oikia Karapanou (detailed guidelines will be provided upon request).

Available options

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

(Early Bird) Full Package incl. Registration + Accommodation

1790 Є (early-bird price)

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

(Early Bird) One-Person Registration

1290 Є (early-bird price)

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

Full Package incl. Registration + Accommodation

1990 Є (regular price)

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

One-Person Registration

1490 Є (regular price)