
a 7-day summer camp for lyre players

International Lyre School 2024

LyreAcademy.com - Online courses & lessons on ancient and early music - ancient lyre, phorminx, kithara, cithara, kitharis, citharis, pandura, sambuca, barbiton, chelys, bendir, tympanona

A 7-day summer camp for lyre players, full of face-to-face lessons and hands-on experiences, a deep dive into the world of the lyre and ancient Greek music.

Meet in person and have meaningful interactions with the forefront of lyre innovation today: virtuoso players, lyre instructors, academics, senior luthiers, filmmakers, et cetera. And all the above while experiencing the unparalleled Greek summer and hospitality.

(limited availability)

what to expect?

Experience Lyre in Full

an immersive learning experience

In 7 days we will unlock together
the lyre player you already are.

Let's celebrate the five years since the creation of Lyre Academy, by hosting a highly esteemed International Lyre School on the island of Aegina, just outside of Athens. A summer school created based on our love for a God-given instrument, the Lyre herself, and our belief that learning can and should be a communal experience.

So, let’s study the ancient musical heritage and practice the lyre together, face-to-face, at a beautiful 19th-century mansion on one of Greece’s most famous islands since antiquity.

Explore and discover the ancient lyre in depth with the guidance of virtuoso lyre players and academics, experience behind-the-scenes filming sessions with the SEIKILO Ancient World Music Channel team, meet and discuss with experienced lyre luthiers, stay and dine together with fellow lyre players from all over the world. At the same time, you will have the chance to meditate daily with the lyre, share thoughts and participate in discussions about ancient Greek philosophy and everyday life, all the while relishing the world-renowned Greek summer.

The Lyre Academy is built upon the core values of providing an unparalleled learning experience to students worldwide. Based on those values, our 1st International Lyre School is yet another way to celebrate, unite, and serve our students’ growing community.

(limited availability)

in a nutshell

When. Where. What.

June 7 to 14, 2024

Among the best times to visit Greece, June is definitely part of the famous Greek summer, but way less crowded compared to July or August.

Aegina Island

The International Lyre School will take place at the beautiful 19th-century mansion "Oikia Karapanou" on the famous Aegina Island, near Athens.

7days Summer School

An immersive learning experience full of lyre courses, events, socializing, books & sheet music specially designed for the school, along with accommodation, breakfast, dinner, a welcome and a farewell party!

a deep connection with the lyre

Why in Aegina Island?

Some of the most magical moments with the ancient lyre that have ever been recorded on camera took place on the mystical island of Aegina, such as ancient wisdom readings, meditation with the lyre, a live performance on the Ancient Olive Grove (hidden inside a secluded valley), and a ritual song to summon the ancient gods of wind. Watch below!

in a nutshell

Lyre Camp Highlights

Live & Study Together

for 7 days!

Lessons for Your Level

The lyre school includes daily courses for every level, including beginners, intermediate and advanced!

Access to All Courses

The lyre school is organized in such a manner that every student will be able to participate in all courses, no matter what is her or his level!

Certificate of Attendance

All the participants with get a Certificate of Attendance, based on which courses they attended (certificates for beginners, intermediate, and advanced lyre players will be available).

Make Connections

Lots of opportunities for socializing with key figures in the lyre community.

Music & Philosophy

Daily discussions around music & philosophy, and how to incorporate both in a modern lifestyle.

Hands-on Experience

See, listen to, and play with an amazing selection of ancient lyres & kithara!

Meet & Discuss

Meet and have meaningful discussions with virtuoso lyre players, beloved lyre tutors, luthiers, the SEIKILO Channel lead filmmaker, and the visionaries behind the lyre’s come-back in the 21st century.

Mediterranean diet

Experience the Mediterranean diet in a beautiful 19th-century mansion, with breakfast and early dinner daily.

Live & Study Together

for 7 days!

Certificate of Attendance

All the participants with get a Certificate of Attendance, based on which courses they attended (certificates for beginners, intermediate, and advanced lyre players will be available).

Music & Philosophy

Daily discussions around music & philosophy, and how to incorporate both in a modern lifestyle.

Lessons for Your Level

The lyre school includes daily courses for every level, including beginners, intermediate and advanced!

Make Connections

Lots of opportunities for socializing with key figures in the lyre community.

Meet & Discuss

Meet and have meaningful discussions with virtuoso lyre players, beloved lyre tutors, luthiers, the SEIKILO Channel lead filmmaker, and the visionaries behind the lyre’s come-back in the 21st century.

Access to All Courses

The lyre school is organized in such a manner that every student will be able to participate in all courses, no matter what is her or his level!

Hands-on Experience

See, listen to, and play with an amazing selection of ancient lyres & kithara!

Mediterranean diet

Experience the Mediterranean diet in a beautiful 19th-century mansion, with breakfast and early dinner daily.

(limited availability)

Where the Camp will take place?

Inside a House with a Soul

Oikia Karapanou is a beautiful 19th-century mansion that nestles in about 30 acres of ancient trees and plants, some of which are well over a hundred years old. It is only a 5min walk from the nearest beach and a 5min drive from Aegina city. 

Above all, Oikia is a house with a soul; the essence of a house, surrounded by an enchanted garden. As the visionary behind Oikia, Christina Chorafa, states "Nothing here is formal, nothing is standardized. We are not a hotel, nor a seminar factory. Oikia is a real house. Simple, spacious, poetic, refined. A place where guests often tell us that they feel as if they have finally arrived home." 

Oikia (pronounced ee-kee-ah), means "residence" in greek and is at the root of such words as ecosystem, ecology.

_Click here to find out more about Oikia Karapanou and its unique history.

_If you are looking for hotel-like accommodation (with more amenities, such as air conditioning and a private bathroom), there are plenty of options on Aegina Island. Get in touch after your registration to share with you some options within walking distance from Oikia!.

the αncient lyre echoes throughout the house

Ancient World Music & Oikia

Oikia has always been a welcoming place for the ancient lyre, and even from our first visit, magical things started to happen and never ended. We feel that this is the right place to be, as the soothing sounds of the lyre still echo through its corridors, even when we are not there to hear. Watch below some of the amazing moments that were caught on camera.

There is no benefit when music stands

secret and hidden.

- Lucian -

who will be there to guide you

Meet Your Instructors

Teaching: Lyre & Music Theory

Lina Palera is a world-renowned lyre player and a certified music instructor with teaching experience at music schools in the UK, Greece, and abroad, working both with adults and children. She has also performed in numerous places, festivals, conferences, music halls, etc.
What's more, she is the main instructor at the Lyre Academy and a beloved lyre tutor.

International Lyre Summer School 20024 - LyreAcademy Summer School - Summer Camp - Aegina Island - Nikolaos Koumartzis

Teaching: Filming with the Lyre

Nikolaos Koumartzis, PhD, is the visionary behind cultural endeavors with international recognition, including  LUTHIEROS, SEIKILO Ancient World Music Channel, LyreAcademy, and SEIKILO Museum of Ancient Music.
He is currently the Art Director and main filmmaker of the SEIKILO YouTube Channel and the head of publishing for a unique series of sheet music and learning books specially designed for the ancient lyre.

International Lyre Summer School 20024 - LyreAcademy Summer School - Summer Camp - Aegina Island - Theodore Koumartzis

Teaching: Virtuoso Techniques

Theodore Koumartzis is one of the very few virtuoso lyre players worldwide, with numerous live performances around the world (such as in Italy, Germany, Canada, Singapore, etc.). He has collaborated with well-known contemporary artists, with his music video clips being featured on SEIKILO Ancient World Music Channel. He is also the Curator of the SEIKILO Ancient Music Museum and its award-winning experiences for schools and individuals.

Thanasis Kleopas at LyreAcademy.com - Online courses & lessons on ancient and early music - ancient lyre, phorminx, kithara, cithara, kitharis, citharis, pandura, sambuca, barbiton, chelys, bendir, tympanon

Teaching: Lyre

Thanasis Kleopas is an ancient lyre and guitar player with many performances worldwide, including Thailand, Japan, India, France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland.
He combines traditional music with the ancient lyre and tries to produce emotion-provoking music. He performed in churches, schools with kids with special needs, museums, and even fashion shows such as the Dolce & Gabbana summer show in Milan.

International Lyre Summer School 20024 - LyreAcademy Summer School - Summer Camp - Aegina Island - Maria Sarigiannidou

Teaching: Meditation with the Lyre

Know thyself played a central role in all ancient philosophies as a path of simplicity and a blueprint for living closer to nature. Inspired by this, Maria Sarigiannidou, a certified meditation and Yoga instructor with more than a decade of experience, weaves contemporary meditations accompanied by the soothing sound of the ancient lyre.

(bonus & extras)

During the lyre summer school, we are trying to bring at least one more key figure of the worldwide lyre scene for a bonus lecture, workshop, or live performance. It all depends on their schedule, as many of them travel a lot around the world serving the ancient lyre in a meaningful way.

7 days full of events

Detailed Schedule/Program

(this is a preliminary schedule & changes will be made)

June 7

| 19:00 |

Welcome Party accompanied by wine, ancient-inspired finger food, and, of course, the lyre.

All Days
June 8 to 14

| 08:15 -9:00 |

Lyre & Philosophy in the Ancient World: We start our day with the soothing waking sound of the lyre and small shots of ancient wisdom.

| 09:00 - 10:00 |

Breakfast with an ancient twist: Curated food choices inspired by the ancient Greek lifestyle.

| 17:00 - 19:00 (June 8 to 13) |

1-on-1 sessions (available upon request) for those who want to tackle specific subjects with our tutors.

| 19:00 - 21:00 (June 8 to 13) |

Dinner with an ancient twist: Curated food choices inspired by the ancient Greek lifestyle.

June 8

Evoking Emotions
with the Lyre

| 10:45 - 11:15 (All) |

Discover the ancient Greek philosophers' Ethos Theory on how to Evoke Specific Feelings by Changing the Tuning of your Lyre.

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) |

How to Perfectly Tune Your Lyre in the 3 Basic Ancient Modes.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) |

Learn all the Ancient Greek Modes and how to Choose the Right One based on Ethos Theory.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) |

Plato’s Greatest Fear: How to Change your Mode without Changing the Tuning of the Lyre (using hroes and sharp-pressing techniques).

June 9

Playing Techniques
& the Lyre

| 10:45 - 11:15 (All) |

Explore All the 10 Must-Have Techniques on the Lyre.

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) |

Finger-playing, Two-handed playing, Fingers & Plectrum playing.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) |

Chords, Muting chords, and Harmonics on the 1st position.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) |

Advanced Muting chords, Harmonics on all positions, and Hroes Technique

June 10

Healing and Passion
with the Lyre

| 10:45 - 11:15 (All) |

How to use Rhythm to Soothe and Excite an Audience.

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) |

Must-Have Basic Rhythms: Playing on 4/4 and 3/4.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) |

Complicated Rhythms: Playing on 5/4 and 7/8.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) |

Discover the Rhythmic Illusions.

June 11

Excellence as a Habit: Daily Practice Routines

| 10:45 - 11:15 (All) | 

The Importance of Everyday Lyre Practice (according to Ancient Greek Philosophers).

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) | 

How to Make Lyre Practice an Everyday Habit.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) | 

Practice for the Next Level: How to Gently Push Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) | 

Lyre Practice for the Virtuoso: Mastering Lyre Playing, Technique by Technique.

June 12

Ancient Greek Music
& Aristoxenus’ Theory

| 10:45 - 11:15 (All) | 

Reconstructing Ancient Greek Music Today: the Work of Aristoxenus.

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) | 

Introduction to the 7 Basic Harmonic Elements of Ancient Greece.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) | 

Exploring the Tetrachords & the Ancient Music Genera.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) | 

Discovering the Ancient Perfect Major and Minor Scales.

June 13

Full Practice Day
for the Final Concert

| 10:30 - 11:30 (All) | 

Preparing Yourself for a Live Performance Using Ancient Wisdom and Practical Tips

| 11:30 - 12:15 (Beginners) | 

Focusing on the Evening Live Concert.

| 12:30 - 13:15 (Intermediate) | 

Focusing on the Evening Live Concert.

| 13:30 - 14:15 (Advanced) | 

Focusing on the Evening Live Concert.

| 19:00 | Live Concert with Lina Palera, Theodore Koumartzis, Thanasis Kleopas, and all the students.

| 20:00 - 22:00 | 

Farewell Party with a group Dinner, filled with Music, Wine, Memories, and Discussions about our Personal Lyre Resolutions for the next year.


June 14


| 09:00 - 10:30 | 

Final Breakfast Together. We will bid you farewell with a small gift to take back home. 

Limited early-bird registration

Book Your Place Today

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist


1290 Є (regular price)

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

Full Package incl. Registration + Accommodation + Meals

No spots available

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

(Early Bird)

No spots available

International Lyre Summer School by LyreAcademy.com - Live & Study Together for 7 days - Lessons for Your Level - Access to All Courses - Certificate of Attendance - Hands-on Experience - Communal living - Mediterranean Diet with an Ancient Twist

(Early Bird) Full Package incl. Registration + Accommodation + Meals

No spots available

(limited availability)

Due to high demand and limited availability, few spots are available, and even fewer early-bird registration options. Early-bird options will be active until September 1, 2023, or until they are all booked. Be aware that there are different cancellation policies for early-bird and regular registrations, so read below before registering.

Cancelation and Refunds Policy (read before registration)

The International Lyre School 2024 has limited spots available for lyre students. Participants will travel to Greece from all over the world and have to plan their trip quite ahead. Therefore, we acknowledge that time is crucial. 

In this regard, we urge you to be 100% sure before registering for the International Lyre School 2024. In the unfortunate event that you have to cancel your registration later on, immediately contact the LyreAcademy team (info@lyreacademy.com) to re-open your spot quickly for your fellow lyre students. 

Additionally, if you want to keep the option to cancel your registration later and get a full or partial refund, please choose the regular registration options instead of the early-bird registration options, as they come with different cancellation policies. 

Regular Registration Options

  • Cancellation before December 1, 2023: The full amount of the registration cost will be refunded minus 10% that includes bank fees and administrative costs. 
  • Cancellation between December 1, 2023, and March 1, 2024: 60% of the registration cost will be refunded minus an extra 10%, which includes bank fees and administrative costs. 
  • Cancellation on or after March 2, 2024: No refund will be available. 

Early-Bird Registration Options

Attention! There will be no refund for the Early-Bird registration options in the classical sense. Instead, the amount paid for your Early-Bird registration will be fully or partially transferred to your Student ID in LyreAcademy.com to use as you wish in your future studies (by enrolling in new courses, course bundles, masterclasses, or paying for additional months of studies).

Therefore, there will be no financial loss for the lyre students who will register with an Early-Bird option and later cancel their participation.

More specifically: 

  • Cancellation before December 1, 2023: The full amount of the registration cost, minus 10% that includes bank fees and administrative costs, will be transferred to your Student ID in the LyreAcademy online platform.
  • Cancellation between December 2, 2023, and March 1, 2024: 60% of the registration cost, minus 10% that includes bank fees and administrative costs, will be transferred to your Student ID in the LyreAcademy online platform.
  • Cancellation on or after March 2, 2024: No refund will be available. 


If you need further clarifications for the International Lyre School 2024, contact the LyreAcademy team before registering.  

If you want to cancel your participation, email info@lyreacademy.com, and we will guide you through the process. 

International Lyre Summer School

What is Included?

What is Included?

  • Access to all courses regardless of the student’s level, i.e., beginners, intermediate, advanced (4 courses each day).
  • Lyre Learning Books & Sheet Music specially designed for the lyre and this lyre school specifically!
  • Lyre Meditation sessions every morning.
  • Welcome Party on the first day.
  • Special sessions with guest lecturers.
  • Farewell Party & Live Concert with student participation.
  • Access to SEIKILO Ancient Music Exhibition with the opportunity to see, listen to and play with a curated selection of premium ancient musical instruments.
  • (Full Package Only) Seven days of accommodation in the unique Oikia Karapanou.
  • (Full Package Only) Breakfast and early dinner, based on the famed Mediterranean Cuisine, with an ancient Greek twist.

Not Included in the Price

  • 1-on-1 sessions are available upon request (limited time slots). Send us an email to learn more about the cost and to book your sessions with your preferable virtuoso lyre players.
  • Rent a lyre or a kithara for the entire summer camp, in case you don't want to travel with your instrument or you just want to try something new. Send us an email to find out more.
  • Air tickets to and from Athens.
  • Transportation to Aegina Island and Oikia Karapanou (detailed guidelines will be provided upon request).
  • Everything else that is not explicitly stated in the description.

(limited availability)