
LyreAcademy Financial Support Programme

Apply for a Scholarship or a Grant

# Our Financial Support Programme

LyreAcademy is an institute that was found to offer premium online courses for ancient lyre and other ancient musical instruments. It is a niche market, meaning that our courses are designed for a few dozens of you, willing to specialize and master an ancient-inspired musical instrument.

Needless to say that It is expensive to prepare, curate, produce and host online premium educational content, in order to make it available worldwide through fast-loading top-notch servers.

Even so, we are determined to offer our premium content to anyone willing to take the challenge, even if he doesn't have the financial ability to do so. This is why we managed to raise a scholarship fund, thanks to the financial aid of our supporters!

Don't hesitate to apply for financial support, if you actually need it! We will evaluate it with great care.

Best wishes by #LyreAcademy team

# Tips on how to prepare a successful application

If you can’t afford to pay for a course, you can apply for Financial Support (in the form of a Scholarship, Grant or discount) through the application form below.

Be sure to state clearly:
1. The reasons you want to take the courses.
2. The reasons you can't afford the courses.
3. What kind of financial support you are applying for: a. full scholarship or b. discount in the form of a grant? In case of the latter, state what percent (%) of discount you actually need to be able to fund your studies.

Tips for a successful application:
1. Be honest!
2. Apply for the financial support you truly need. The scholarship fund is limited, and we are willing to support as many students as possible with it!
3. Try to prepare an application as complete as possible!


Financial Support Application

or use our email info@lyreacademy.com

# Important notice!

Financial Support only apply to the course that the application was submitted for. What's more, LyreAcademy cannot transfer payments, Scholarships, or Financial Support across different courses or different students.