Beginner Level | Lyre 103
Lyre & Rhythm: Graduate from Beginner Level
Rhythm is the pulse of music, and according to Plato music needs rhythm to find its way to the secret places of the soul. It's time to introduce yourself to such a fundamental music concept by practicing your lyre playing, and learn how to play three advanced music melodies: "Ode to Joy" by L. V. Beethoven, "Embrace", and "Wondering"!
This course is for beginners, and it is highly recommend to complete first the course Lyre 101: Down to the Basics and Lyre 102: Playing with Both Hands, available also by LyreAcademy. This course is for lyres of any type with at least 7 strings.*
At the end of the course you will know how to...
- Play with your lyre in several rhythms.
- Exercise as an intermediate level lyre player.
- Play two advanced melodies using rhythmic skills.
- Play one melody in several different rhythms.
- Read rhythms on a music stave.
- Play the L. V. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".
- Play the Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”.
- Read a proper music sheet with notes and rhythmic values, a skill that will elevate you to the intermediate level.
- Play two modern melodies specially composed for a lyre: "Embrace" and "Old Times".
* Do you own a lyre with more strings? The course can be done by students with a lyre or a kithara with 7 or more strings. Simple and step-by-step videos are available to prepare your lyre for the courses (including tuning).
Lesson 1 : Unfolding the mystery of “Dotted notes”
Are you ready to add more complicated and impressive rhythms in your lyre playing? Let's start our journey by unfolding the "mystery" of the dotted notes! How can we count them? How can we play them?
Plus: Three rhythmic exercises on a lyre.
Lesson 2 : Adding some... Beethoven to your lyre repertoire
Ready to add some... Beethoven to your lyre repertoire? Believe it or not, if you have followed along with our academy's curriculum so far, you are more than ready to learn "Ode to Joy", an amazing and legendary piece of classical music.
Plus: A classical piece on a music sheet for a lyre.
Lesson 3 : Combining different rhythmical values in one tune
Time to combine different rhythmical values in one piece of music. Yes, it is possible! Let's learn how to play the "Old Times" tune, specially composed by Lina Palera for an ancient lyre.
Plus: Music sheet/tablature for a lyre.
Lesson 4 : Learn how to play Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”
Adding more classical music pieces to our lyre repertoire, it is time to learn how to play Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" by combining everything we have learned so far! Ready to further sharpen your lyre playing skills?
Plus: Another classical piece on a music sheet for a lyre.
Lesson 5 : One rhythmic step beyond
And here is this course's real challenge! Time to learn a very challenging folk rhythm, that will be our base to learn much more complicated rhythms in the future. It is time for the 5/4 rhythm!
Plus: A specialised 5/4 rhythm exercise for lyre players.
Lesson 6 : Learn how to play "Embrace", an original song for a lyre
In our journey to acquire an impressive lyre music portfolio (or "music repertoire" to use a musician's words), we are going to learn the "Embrace" melody on the 5/4 rhythm, specially written for an ancient lyre by Lina Palera and LyreAcademy!
Plus: Music sheet/tablature for a lyre.
Lesson 7 : Learn how to play an ancient Greek melody
Traveling back in time, at least two millennia ago, we will practice our lyre skills as the ancient Greeks did. We are ready to learn an ancient Greek melody that miraculously survived to this day, the one called "Kolon Exasimon".
Plus: Music sheet/tablature for a lyre.
Lesson 8 : Learn how to play "A Tango to Evora"
Where do I go from here? A Quick Look to Course 200!
So, you have just finished course 103, and with it the Beginner Semester in our academy. Kudos (or as the ancient Greek could say κῦδος) to you!
And now, you feel the need to advance further with your lyre playing. Here is a quick video on what we will cover next in our Lyre Course 200!
Enroll in this Course
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Enroll and get...
- Full access for 3 months for just $99.
- Crystal clear sound.
- Fast loading 4K (Ultra HD) videos for each lesson.
- Lesson notes with extras.
- Music music sheets/tablatures for lyres.
- $29/month if you want to extend your access.
Who is your Instructor?
Lina Palera is a world-renowned lyre player and a charismatic teacher with more than a decade of experience in music schools and educational institutions in the United Kingdom, Greece and abroad, working with adults and children too. She travels a lot for live performances at museums, festivals, conferences and other venues.

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| Learn from the best: top players with decades of teaching experience!
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Ready to enter a music world full of folk legends and myths? It is time to add some harmonics, combine them with chords, and master a mysterious and beloved melody by Loreena McKennitt, a Canadian songwriter whose music seems so suited for an ancient lyre!
Plus: Music sheet/tablature for a lyre.